Lactose Monohydrate /Lactose anhydrous
CAS No.: 63-42-3/64044-51-5/5989-81-1/10039-26-6
Lactose Monohydrate/Anhydrous lactose
Lactose Monohydrate
Natural Crystal一Water lactose |
Improved sphere一Water lactose |
Modified sphere anhydrous lactose |
Used For: powder mixing, capsule / granule filling, pellet core, dry powder inhalation, wet granulation, premixing. |
Used for: direct powder mixing tableting, direct capsule/granule filling, replacing wet granulation, reducing equipment and process verification, and improving finished product yield. |
Used For: direct powder mixing tablet, direct capsule / granule filling. Most suitable for formulations where the active ingredient is not stable to moisture. |
Crystal powder |
Crystalline direct pressed powder |
Waterless direct pressed powder |
T-60 Mesh |
Z-60 Mesh |
W-60 Mesh |
T-80 Mesh |
Z-80 Mesh |
W-80 Mesh |
T-100 Mesh |
Z-100 Mesh |
W-100 Mesh |
T-120 Mesh |
Z-120 Mesh |
W-120 Mesh |
T-200 Mesh |